
Who let the dogs in?

2016-santa-photo-anita-julie-taylor“Photos with Santa – 2016” was held at the Kilcoy Courthouse Art Gallery on Saturday 26 November and this year was certainly as much fun as previous years! In fact, on one occasion we thought we might have to call in the cavalry as we had one family with 2 dogs being photographed with Santa, while another family with 4 dogs eagerly waited on the patio for their turn! Heaven knows what might have happened if they were all inside the Gallery at the same time! But everyone was on their best Christmas behaviour, including pets, families, Santa and his reindeers who were grazing on the grass down behind the Gallery!

Santa comes a long way to have his photo taken with the kids and give them an opportunity to tell him what they want for Christmas! He is such a happy and jolly person yet some littlies still get a little scared where others just love to climb all over him!

A big thank you to everyone who participated in “Photos with Santa” this year. Our photographer, Anita Teichmann of Mutt Images will contact you when your photo packages or digital images are ready. If you have any queries, please phone Anita on 0417 631 489 or Julie on 0414 595 262.

Merry Christmas to one and all from the Kilcoy Art Society Inc (KASI) and Mutt Images!