
Greatest Shave

Steve Shirley (L) with Councillor Sean Choat after their shave

Congratulations to Steve Shirley who represented the Kilcoy Art Society Inc (KASI) at the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave held at Kilcoy Indoor Sports on Saturday. As well as being sponsored by KASI Steve was energetic and raised funds from family and friends and other businesses from around the Kilcoy district including Kilcoy Rural, Duffy’s Mitre 10 and Jimna Base Camp. McGrath Real Estate, Caloundra and VZ Real Estate, Keperra were also sponsors.

Leanne Fry had the honour of shaving Steve’s hair for the worthy cause and Steve is now sporting a super-short haircut. The Kilcoy Art Gallery would like to congratulate Jayne and Laurence McKenzie at Kilcoy Indoor Sports for all their hard work.